Easy Self-Care Tips for Your Teeth

June 9, 2018

Keeping up with your dentist appointments is important for maintaining a beautiful smile, but did you know there are steps you can take at home as well? Here some tips to follow to keep that smile of yours sparkling like new.

  1. Clean twice a day. Yes, it’s true – brushing your teeth at least twice a day is important! This should occur after meals. Toothbrushes with smaller heads allow you to easily access the back teeth; ones with soft bristles are even better, as these are gentle on gums.

  2. Clean with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is great protection and cleaning agent, as it hardens tooth enamel and helps prevent decay.

  3. Don’t rush while cleaning. An effective cleaning takes between two to three minutes.

  4. Don’t forget to floss. Whether you prefer floss sticks or actual floss string, take your time with this, cleaning in a gentle sawing motion.

  5. Be cautious with acidic drinks. This includes sodas, alcoholic beverages, and juices. These have a tendency to soften teeth and dissolve the minerals found in tooth enamel, creating cavities.

  6. Be careful with sweets. If you consume a lot of sugary foods, you may be at risk of cavities. The bacteria found in dental plaque changes sugars into acids, which eat away at the tooth’s enamel.

  7. If you play sports, protect your teeth. Always use a mouth-guard or a full-face helmet.

  8. Use your teeth to chew food ONLY. Don’t try to crack nuts, remove bottle caps or tops, or try to break open packaging seals with your teeth. These can easily cause your teeth to chip or break.

  9. Visit your dentist as scheduled. Did we mention it’s important to keep all appointments? Stay on track with your cleanings and call us if you’re experiencing any issues.